Like most of you we will have a celebration of some sort today, the 4th of July.
This morning on my radio spot Random Ramblings of, I took the time to read those service peoples’ names that have died from March through June, 2012. Previously, in January and February I read the names for that time period. Whether you agree with the military involvement or not, you should be supporting the men and women who are serving. That is the purpose of reading their names. Showing them honor. You can see the heroes that have laid their lives down at this site:
I walked to the barn on Tuesday morning. It was 80 degrees before 7:00 AM and it was hot and muggy. I started to think about my son, a volunteer fireman who just had to fight a large house fire. He was in full gear in 90 degree weather and he probably lost 10 pounds from sweating.
That thought ran into the realization that every day there are too many sons and daughters, fathers and mothers, and husbands and wives that are carrying around 80 pound packs, guns and in full gear in dessert conditions trying to stay alive while I am complaining of the heat here.
From there my thoughts went to the many everyday freedoms we have because of our country’s battles and the ideals behind its birth.
We take so much for granted.
Here is a short list of ordinary things we have that many others don’t.
Just because we live here.
My own home.
Having as many children as I want.
I can read any book I choose.
I can worship anywhere to any being.
I can carry a gun.
I can stand on any corner and tell you what I like or don’t like about our government officials.
I walk freely down my local streets.
My grandchildren can go to school.
I have plenty of food to eat.
Having as many children as I want.
I can read any book I choose.
I can worship anywhere to any being.
I can carry a gun.
I can stand on any corner and tell you what I like or don’t like about our government officials.
I walk freely down my local streets.
My grandchildren can go to school.
I have plenty of food to eat.
There are very few things we do or have that haven’t been bought by sacrifice somewhere in our history.
And now we continue to sacrifice our best to keep our country free. Yes, we have problems. Yes, things could be better. But, we live in the greatest place on earth and it’s because of the greatest men and women who pay the price.
Please take time daily to pray for these men, women and their families.
Do not let an opportunity pass to shake a hand, give a hug and a big thank you to any service person – active, reserve or retired.
Farmer and I went back out to the field where my cross is on Sunday night and rehung the flag for the week.
For me, the cross and the flag are the sources of my freedoms– true freedoms. But neither came without a price, a dear, precious price. Blood has been shed for both freedoms and neither should ever be forgotten or taken for granted.
The blood of Jesus was freely given to cover your sins. Even before you were born, God had you in mind when Jesus suffered and died on that cross so many years ago. What does that blood mean for you? It can mean anything from everything to nothing. It’s your choice. You can walk away and never give it another thought and you could possibly lead a normal life. If you choose to accept the gift of salvation, you could possibly lead a normal life just like the non-believer – with a few exceptions. Many blessings are scattered throughout your life as a believer, but the big difference between accepting Jesus as your savior and turning down that opportunity will be played out in eternity after your last breath here on earth. I’d prefer the heavenly address that is waiting for me and would love to have you as my neighbor. If you are interested in a step by step description on how to become saved, check the end of this blog.
When I think of the 4th of July flag waving is the first visual that comes to mind. I love flags. A flag says so many things.
I thought I might show you a few flags we have at the farm.
Flags on the calf barn. |
Hanging in the shop. |
I hope you and your family have time today to reflect, appreciate¸ and enjoy the freedoms we have because of the history of Independence Day.
Son #2 with Wigglie #4 last year at fireworks. |
Son # 1 with Wigglies #1, #3 and #6 last year at fireworks. |
Salvation through Jesus Christ:
1. Admit your need - John 3:16 For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have Everlasting Life.
2. Confess your sins – Romans 3:23 For all have Sinned and Come short of the Glory of God
3. Believe Jesus died for you - Romans 5:8 But God commendeth His love toward us, in that, while we were yet Sinners, Christ Died for us.
4. Through prayer receive him as your personal Lord and Savior - Romans 10:13
For whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved.
For whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved.
An example of prayer:
Thank you Lord for hearing my prayer. I am sorry for the sins I have committed; I recognize you are the Son of God and salvation comes from you and you alone. Please forgive me of my sins. I turn from my old life and I want to live for you forever. Please come into my life. I am yours now and forever more. Thank you Jesus.