This is my cat, Trixy.
She is a strange critter.
She is fascinated with water to the point of falling in the toilet, the bath tub and the pool more than once.
She steals cotton balls from my bathroom counter top. I found 26 under the armoire in the bedroom one day.
She thinks she needs to be right on top of me when I am working in the office. Quite often there will be a little cat hair included with our payments. I'm sure the vendors are pleased.
She hides when the wigglies come and within 10 seconds of the sound of the door closing on the last one leaving she appears. I have no clue how she can figure that one out.
She is very particular about what door she wants to use when she goes outside. She will lead me all the way back to our bedroom slider instead of the doors in the family room which are much closer and more convenient.
This past week she experienced a new occurrence. One that I hope she doesn’t repeat. And the fact that she choose to do this at 1:00 AM didn’t help either.
Farmer hollered at 1:00 AM, “Diane, come here and help me.” Ughhh. “This better be worth getting roused from a decent sleep since it’s so hard for me to stay asleep” I thought.
This is what the fly stick should look like. |
I found Farmer in the back bathroom holding Trixy with this lovely fly stick stuck to the side of her. She was not happy.
This is the after picture. |
The fly stick was on the island and naughty Trixy apparently traverses the island when we aren’t around. She got a little too close to the stick and they became one. She didn’t want that union and started to spaz out and run around with the stuck stick.
Oh, and by the way, there was some maple syrup in the bottom cup to draw flies that dripped all through the house during her rampage.
I went and got a box cutter and cut the Trixy’s hair off as close to the stick as I could.
She was still extremely sticky so out the door she went.
She still comes back in with leaves, grass and other items stuck to her. I have to get the clippers we use on the cows and shave the hair off. That will be so fun.