I’m going to admit it. I don’t always want to start my day
reading my Bible – like I was taught. I am shucking off the legalism yet some
days it gets to me.
This morning when I got up I was determined to start the day
getting my Bible reading out of the way – great attitude huh?
Anyway, I was up before the sun and as it was teasing me on
the horizon I was compelled to grab my shoes, camera and head out.
There is something magical, spiritual or even holy – however
you want to categorize it about early mornings on the farm.
The minute I walked out I felt the presence of God. And, he
said, “Forget the Bible this morning, walk with me.”
As I walked to the barn I noticed how tall the corn has
grown – just in the past few days. The amount of kernels of corn that we will
harvest compared to the amount of seed we buried in the ground is astounding.
The feel of the cool morning air smelled like a fresh new
I walked up the barn driveway and looked to see if my son’s
kitchen window light was on. I wanted to sneak up on him and scare him. Yes, we
are strange that way, but it’s a cat and mouse game we play. I snuck up and
stood under his window. He was concentrating on making something by the sink
and as I stood there with a smile on my face waiting for him to “feel” me and
be startled I had to thank God that I have my kids within walking distance. I
can walk over and get my mama fix just about any time I want. I succeeded in
scaring him. I felt it safe to go in when his smile stretched across his face.
I had a nice cup of coffee and some conversation with Son #2. A great way to
start the morning.
From there as I walked down to the maternity pen to see if
there were any newbies I could hear the roosters welcoming the morning. There
was no brand new calves but I had to smile at the holding pen where there were
about 6 calves sleeping in various spots. It’s like you would toss a handful of
marbles and that is where they landed. It was a black and white vignette with
one chicken keeping them company that would compete with Monet hanging in any
As I walked around I noticed how the sun kissed the
buildings. The sun rays drove beams right through the barns. I love the shadows
the sun makes and the way it illuminated my girl’s faces.
I walked down to the parlor and saw the BEBs (brown eyed
bossies) getting milked. The music of the machines, the sweet aroma of the
milk, the rhythm and flow there should be bottled. It would put some pharmaceuticals
out of business. I walked down the hall to the office to check on a few things
and realized how much I loved just being there.
Knowing I had an office full of work to attend to I headed
I had to make a pass through the calf and heifer barns for one
more fix of my critters. As I left the heifer barn I turned around for one more
picture and I was overwhelmed with the goodness of God. Tears flooded my eyes
and joy filled my heart. I would not trade my spot on this ball of mud for any
other place, any amount of money or luxury. I deserve none of my over flowing
blessings. I truly ache that many people will never have what God has given me.
So while I never turned a page this morning I was filled to
overflowing with my time spent with God.