Life is Like a Game - You Can't Win if you Don't Play

I posted this picture for a reason. And it’s not because I want you all to say how wonderful this looks, so creative and etc. Because we all know it’s simply OK at its best. And I’m good with that. But the wigglie will love it. He will remember it and it will mean something to him.

Messes are always involved.

There are some of you out there that would never try to tackle this cake because of your perfectionist mentality. You think you would never do a good enough job. Well, I must say in my mind my creation was much grander than what the end result was. I can dream big but the executions sometimes lack. But, I continue anyway.

And that’s what I want to encourage you to do. Too many sit still and shove their dreams back into their pillowcases because they will never be able to do it good enough. Whether we are talking about a cake, a design choice for our house, a business opportunity, a ministry or any other dream, fear of failure stops us in our tracks.

Stop stopping!

My goodness the world is waiting for your ideas. And when you think it through what would be the worst thing that happened?

My projects have been dumped in the waste basket, laughed at, made fun of, confused people, embarrassed myself and family and the list goes on. But guess what. I’m still here. Imagine this - some of my ideas have been a huge success!

Here are a few of my hits and misses as far as cake decorating goes. I will tell you one thing – the person receiving the cake totally loved every lopsided, disproportion mess I’ve made.

The first time I made this snake cake I had a mouse in the snake's mouth to hold it open - this time I covered the
mouth with a leaf because I couldn't get it to look right  and the leaves are draped over other goofs.

This has been the kids favorite hands down - Wigglie #3 wanted a toilet with a turd in it. Notice how poorly the toilet is made and the proportions? The kids never did.

As you can see my ideas far surpass my skills but the Wigglies couldn't care less.

Go back to your spot where ideas come and let them simmer in your brain a bit and then get up and get moving! And when you accomplish one – whether it’s a success or not, share it with me. I can’t wait to see what’s in that brain of yours.

Daily Ordinary for September 8, 2014

Daily Ordinary for September 6, 2014