REWIND Wednesday -- this post was original in 2012. What's interesting is that 2 years later I have another son facing the same issues as this one was 2 years ago today. The son this piece is about is doing better. He had a rough patch a few months ago but is well for the most part today.
It is 7:45 PM on September 3, and I just realized I need to post to The Barn Door for tomorrow.
It is 7:45 PM on September 3, and I just realized I need to post to The Barn Door for tomorrow.
My first thought was to look in my archives and pull one from there.
Then my second thought was “cheater”.
I dislike my measuring stick of “doing things right” at times.
So then, I thought, what should I write about? Harvesting, the weather or the wigglies came to mind.
But, my mind settled on what’s happening right now, right here.
And, with my desire to keep all things real, I think I’ll make this an honest from the heart post.
My second son who is very key in our farm’s success (my other two sons who are on the farm are as valuable) has been struggling greatly with a bad back. He’s had issues through the years, but it has come to a head. The MRI showed a herniated disc and a bulging disc.
The pain has flattened him out on the floor with no position of ease.
On the day he came home from the neurosurgeon’s office, his wife ran to the pharmacy to get his prescriptions. I went over to the house for something and found him on the floor in tears. He was trying to face time us through his Ipad he found on the floor because his phone was left in the car and he needed help.
This is a young man that has muscles on his muscles yet he was reduced to a writhing blob on the floor.
He’s been living on pain pills and way too many other pills. He received a steroid shot in one of the vertebrae which didn’t give any relief. He is scheduled to have another one on September 14. The hope is the shot will settle things down and with physical therapy he will be well.
Let me tell you from a mama’s heart, nothing is worse than seeing one of your kids suffer. We would take it all off their body and drag it along on our journey if only we could.
It’s been tough. Actually, worse than tough. I have cried more tears than I would like to admit.
BUT, through all of this, God is at work. We have prayed for healing. We are confessing healing. We believe in healing. We are reading the scriptures that reinforce the fact that healing belongs to us and that God is able.
And, then we wait. The hard part. Waiting for an unknown answer. When, how much, what will the healing include?
Harvest is upon us. We need all hands on deck. Now we will have to find someone to help get the crops in. I may be recruited, which I will gladly do.
So there are a lot of unknowns. Unknowns are not my friend. I am the event planner, the coordinator, the director and arranger.
Yet, the unknown has moved in and lives daily with me. He doesn’t take vacations and sometimes he doesn’t sleep.
While I have wasted some time on the unknown, I am getting better realizing I am the child of the All Knowing. He knows. He knows when, where, how and every other question that comes along.
So, that is where we are right now, right here.
Pushing the unknown out the door and inviting the All Knowing to share our space.