This is a "card" Son #1 received from Son #2. I think he's pretty clever. If you can't read it on the picture, this is what it says: CANDY names are in CAPS
THANK YOU for all the chuckles you have given us over the
past 40 years. You were a long HAIRED (a slight deviation from candy- because he was once long haired) CRY BABY that hung out with NERDS. Then
you met Nicole your CRUSH who I thought you had a ZERO chance with but SKOR.
You put a RING on her BUTTERFINGER. Now you have 3 SMARTIES. You won’t hear any
SNICKERS from us, now that you’re CHUNKY, but TAKE 5 and exercise, maybe a
CRUNCH? Hope you hit your big PAYDAY. Then you will be able to sit on MOUNDS of
sand watching the sunset behind BIG RED (this is the name of the lighthouse on
the pier at Lake MI). May your days be GOOD & PLENTY, NOW & LATER
because we think you’re EXTRA special and are worth more than 100GRAND!