I’ve been doing a lot of people watching and people
listening. And, noticed there are a lot of pet peeves out there.
For instance:
“It drives me nuts . . .
when someone can’t admit they are wrong or take responsibility for mistakes.” What is so horrible about being human and confirming what everyone knows anyway – yep, you were wrong.
when someone can’t admit they are wrong or take responsibility for mistakes.” What is so horrible about being human and confirming what everyone knows anyway – yep, you were wrong.
when someone
speaks with authority and states things as facts when they really have no real
confirmation of the facts.” Pretty soon anything they say will be doubted.
when you
are told, ‘I’ll be there in 10 minutes’ and 45 minutes later you are still
waiting.” When this is a continual pattern you know someone has a real problem.
when some
is explaining or answering a question and they repeat, when some is explaining
or answering a question and they repeat, when some is explaining or answering a
question and they repeat” . . . . you get the picture. Tell me once, if I have
a question, I’ll ask.
So for every action there is a reaction – so let’s give the
opposite some space.
Some pet pleases:
“I love it:
when Farmer
brings me wild flowers or flowers from the farm.” This one is personal for me.
It tells me that he took time to do something nice and I was on his mind.
when you
find an unexpected note or card in your mailbox.” I love snail mail
encouragements. It makes stopping at the mailbox worth it.
when a wigglie
climbs on your lap and whispers ‘Grama, you’re my best friend’”. What’s not to
So, how is it in your world? What are your pet peeves?
Before you answer – for every comment of a pet peeve, you must include a pet