Pecan Sticky Buns

If I know anything at all, I know sticky buns! After raising four sons it has to happen. Right now, I'm talking about the sticky buns you eat!

I failed to get a final picture of this sinfully delishiousness but the recipe is anything but a fail. These were favorites at my cookie shop.

This is a great Thanksgiving morning treat - a reward for getting up so early to make the meal for your family.

Chop up enough pecans to cover the bottom of a 9X13 inch pan.

Grease the pan with butter before spreading the chopped pecans.
You will need 2 loaves of thawed bread dough.

Cut up into bite sized pieces.

Bring to boil: 1/2 C butter, 1 C brown sugar, 1 Lg. Vanilla pudding (not instant) 2 T Milk (notice the foam in the bottle? I have to shake my milk to mix the cream in) and about 1 1/2 t cinnamon.

Evenly place one loaf of chopped bread in your pan. Then pour the boiled mixture over all.

Fill in the spaces with the other cut up loaf of bread.

Let rise - you can use a warm oven. I have a warming drawer that I put mine in. When it's doubled in size put in preheated oven at 350 for about 30 - 35 minutes. Just keep watching it and make sure the dough is cooked and doesn't get too brown.

REWIND Wednesday - November 26, 2014 - T'was the Night Before Thanksgiving

Minimal Monday for November 24, 2014 - Sno-vember