So, are you making any resolutions this year? January 1 is approaching and there is a lot of pressure resting on that day. Many are starting with a renewed vim, vigor and determination. Diets are planned, bad habits are shoved to the side and good intentions are thicker than picky on a porcupine.
The definition of resolution is:
1. The state or quality of being resolute; firm determination.
2. A resolving to do something.
3. A course of action determined or decided on.
There is a lot of optimism and hope flying around this time of the year.
Optimism is a necessary element that runs through a farmer's veins. As important as oxygen.
In the past forty years of farming together we have watched army worms march through fields, acquired lake front property where a corn field should be and felt the premature brown grass crunch under our feet. But, we're still here.
It rained too much, not enough, too hard or too fast. It's been too cold, or way too hot. But, we're still here.
We watched newly sewn alfalfa fields wash away into the road and witnessed the corn curl up and die from extreme heat. We've worked through sick animals, broken down equipment and eaten enough dirt and dust for a lifetime. But, we're still here.
We've survived sour milk prices while paying healthy feed, seed, fuel and equipment prices. We've put out fires of the physical and emotional kind. But, we're still here.
We feel called to tend the land God gave us and will continue to until he changes our minds.
It's that "but" that keeps us going. With every year and every challenge the song that plays in our heads - "There's always next year."
So, while most people jump on the optimistic parade of roses float, we ride the dust covered optimistic wagon on a daily basis.
The wagon trail has been bumpy and full of ruts, but, man oh man, the views and lessons are incredible.
A new born calf wobbling on his new unused legs, freshly plowed earth, an early morning walk down the lane, tiny new corn plants breaking through the crust of the ground, lightening bugs - God's fireworks, are all boosts to our immune system.
Lunches eaten on the tailgate of the pickup, walking home under the stars and late night ice cream runs are rewards.
Even now as the brown earth sleeps under a blanket of snow, hope lies deep within a farmer's heart. While thawing out frozen water pipes and fingers thoughts of tilling the soil are close. While wading through knee deep snow the contemplation of making hay is a companion.
While paying year end bills and trusting there will be enough to cover what needs to be met, hope reigns.
So, while some of you may be making New Year's resolutions that may last a few weeks or maybe even a few months, a Farmer's resolutions lasts a lifetime.