1. They start out small.
2. They grow slowly.
3. Things seem to stay the same.
4. Slowly they become more beautiful and show unique characteristics.
5. You feel like you are waiting in the same
spot and just want things to move faster.
6. Anticipation for what's to come grows.
7. We get a peek of what could be.
8. We question what's to come.
9. We have expectations and wonder if we will be disappointed.
10. Suddenly the light dawns and things become clearer.
11. The light and wisdom grows.
12. You don't notice the progression at first.
13. Light and life moves quicker.
14. They become so bright it's hard to see.
15. You try to enjoy the moment because you know it won't last long.
16. You look back and try to remember what it was like before this.
17. You wonder if the best is in the past.
18. The process is over and you realize there is still beauty.