There was a man named Ray. He was a son and a brother living
on his father’s farm.
There was a man named Ray who took a wife and became a
husband. He brought his wife to the farm and began their life together. They
worked hard, long hours side by side through the years.
There was a man named Ray who had sons. He brought them up
learning to till the soil, work hard and respect all God’s creatures.
There was a man named Ray who loved the Lord and served him
There was a man named Ray that hunted and traveled miles to
bag that trophy. Many trophies graced his walls over the years.
There was a man name Ray who was a great story teller. Every
time the story was told it became grander and more glorious. His stories were
always packaged with laughter.
There was a man named Ray who harvested his crop while
whistling and singing. You could tell when he was coming because his whistle
went before him.
There was a man named Ray who loved his grandchildren. He
wasn’t always demonstrative but there was no doubt of his love.
There was a man named Ray who became a great grandfather and
watched his family grow.
There was a man named Ray who lived and loved a good life.
There is a man named Ray we see who seems lost at times. His
chair holds him captive now and then. More now than then. Once in a while the
cell door opens and he escapes into the world of the living. His laughter and
smile is his ticket to freedom. But all too soon he loses his way and ends up
back in captivity.
There is a man named Ray we see who watches the world go by.
He’s in the world, hears the world, but doesn’t know where in the world he
There is a man named Ray we see who has confusion and
sometimes fear in his eyes.
Still, there is a man named Ray who milks cows, drives
tractors, shucks corn, hunts and harvests all without lifting a finger.
There is a man named Ray who enjoys his wife’s company, who
hikes through the mountains with a rifle slung over his shoulder. He fishes
from an aluminum boat and cleans fishes while his nieces and nephews watch the
scales fly and the heads buried in the dirt all without taking a step.
There is a man named Ray who stokes the fire, walks the
fences, tells one more story and prays for his family all without leaving his
There is a man named Ray who is active, productive and lives
his life differently than the world.
We just don’t see that man named Ray.