Generational Blessings

My dad, Son #3, Son #1, Son #2 and Son #4. I love this picture.

For 86 years the earth has been home to a most wonderful man.

My dad.

Today is Father’s Day and once again I hate this man made holiday. No one should have to have someone be kind to them because of a date on the calendar. 

Loving someone should happen every day.

Son #4, My dad, and Son #3
But, I am caving and want to take today to honor my father.

When I think of loving someone my dad always comes to mind.

Over the years my dad has taught me to ride a bike, plant straight rows of corn in the garden, put a worm on a hook, enjoy the beauty of nature, to work with excellence and many more things.

My father has shown love by working hard his whole life. He built my childhood home from top to bottom doing 90% of the work. While growing up there was not anything my dad couldn’t fix.

I learned the importance of committing to a worthy cause. The whole time I lived in his house he volunteered in our church. At times people would seek my father instead of the pastor. Pastors came and went. My dad was steadfast.

The most important thing my dad taught me other than working hard, being honest, give what you would like to receive, was to know and love God.

My mom and dad.

I tell people I was born a Christian. I never knew any other kind of life other than a life that honored God. But every person has to make a choice whether to accept the gift of salvation or not. I remember when I went forward in church for the first time and asked my dad to go with me.

He taught me how to trust God and gave us plenty of opportunities to see God work. Suggestion money from the GM plant he worked for would “coincidentally” show up for the emergency issues that came.

I grew up being taught about tithing and saw that during my whole childhood (and to this day) that God always provides. Tithing was one way to put God first.

Prayer was as important as eating. My dad spends hours praying for his family. As his family grew his prayer list did also. At one point my dad began praying standing up so he wouldn’t fall asleep praying for his family.

There is no one on this earth that can convince me that my dad’s dedication to prayer hasn’t influenced and directed my life and the lives of my children and grandchildren.

My kids and grandkids have such a legacy from my dad.

I’m not sure why God gave me this man as my dad. I do not deserve this blessing but I am overwhelmed with thankfulness that he did. 

June is Dairy Month - June 21

June is Dairy Month - June 20