My Rules for Merging

I’ve been doing a lot of merging lately and I have a few self-made rules and I’m sure that you want to hear what they are.

1. You can drive faster if no one else is in the field. Merging is somewhat boring and repetitive and I’m always thinking about the next thing I need to do, so let’s just get this done. So I speed it up a notch or two until Farmer comes along and will preach . . . um I mean teach me the correct speed and the reasons why.

      2. Wheat Thins are the snack of choice. They keep me going. And since there is wheat in the title they have to be good for me. Right? My rule – when the Wheat Thins run out, I’m done.

       3. Cupcakes are not allowed in the tractor. The rows get way too crooked and frosting makes the  steering wheel sticky.

  4. You are allowed to stop at every photo opportunity you come upon. There is so much beauty that you can’t help yourself. And it gives you a quick break from bouncing.

       5.  Peeing is priority. I’m sorry I have to drive up from the field but I refuse to flash a coyote or acquire poison ivy where I can’t itch.

There are more but it’s time to hit the fields again. And, please don’t tell Farmer about this – especially #1 or he’ll put some kind of monitor on the tractor.

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