Dear Veterans - An Open Letter

Dear Veterans and Families of Veterans,

Chances are I will never meet you in person. But, if I did, I would shake your hand and thank you. And if you looked like you were up to it I’d give you a big hug and tell you how much you mean to me.

I am grateful for all the daily choices I have that so many others in this world go without. And even with all the disappointing actions taken by many here in America we still live in the best country. We have a lot of things, way too many things wrong with America and way too many issues that need fixing.

But, one of the things we have right is you. Veterans. Men and women who are brave enough, committed enough, strong enough, and dedicated enough to fight to keep this country free.

Courageous is a word that should be reserved for you. Not a person who tries to correct their identity confusion by throwing money at it.

You’ve had to do things that should never have had to be done.

You’ve seen things eyes should never behold.

You’ve pushed yourself past your limit, walked in harm’s way, fought your mirror image and held your brothers in your arms while watching their life bleed away.
You’ve lost your peace of mind, body parts, your conscious, and who you really are on the battle field. You’ve left parts of yourself on foreign blood stained soil.

Some of you will never see another sunset because of blinded eyes or hear your wife say I love you. Too many have no arms to hold their children or will be able to run and play with them because what was stolen from you in combat.

How can we ever honor that? What could possibly begin to be worthy of your sacrifices?

And to all your families that watched you go. They stayed up all night praying for you and wondered if they would ever see you alive again. Thank you seems beyond inadequate. Words can’t hold enough power to portray what needs to be spoken.

I have a cross I put on a hill on our farm that is right by a main road. I put the cross there to remind people of Jesus Christ and his sacrifice for us. The cross is enhanced at Easter. The cross stands alone most of the year. There is only one other things that adorns my cross. The American Flag.

I cannot see the flag without seeing you. You and the flag are one to me.

On Memorial Day, the 4th of July and Veterans Day I hang a flag for the whole world to see and be reminded that what is good and worthy comes from the men and women behind the flag.

You are the best this country has grown.

Inadequately I want to say thank you. I pray for you regularly and have nothing but respect, admiration and love for you.

You are our true heroes.

May God Bless You,

Less Stress for Thanksgiving

Veterans Day repost