This is a simple yet fun twist on Cherry Pie.
Make your pie crust or buy pie crust -shudder to think! If you want to make your own delish flakey pie crust my recipe is at the end. Your family will thank you for it.
Roll out your pie dough and cut out hearts with a cookie cutter.
I cut a smaller heart in the middle so the steam would be released while baking.
Place the solid heart on a parchment lined cookie sheet - easier clean up. Drop a small teaspoonful of cherry pie filling in the center. Don't use too much or it will ooze out the sides. Place the other heart with the cut out on top.
Carefully crimp the edges with a fork.
Bake at 375 just until the crust browns slightly and gets flakey.
My family's treat for Sunday dinner. Oh, also a Red Velvet Cake which you can find on this site.
Pie Crust recipe - one again I'll try to figure out the measurements since I normally scoop and dump.
For a single crust use about 1 1/2 C flour.
1/2 C Crisco - has to be Crisco if you want flakey crusts.
1 t salt
Cut together with a pie cutter.
Cut together until crumbly.
Add just enough water that the ingredients stick together
Form into a ball - try not to handle the dough any more than you have to.
And there's your pie crust - way better than store bought and you get
extra points for making it yourself.