Nothing tastes better in the winter than sweet corn from the garden. And, it is so easy!
I just finished freezing 182 ears. And, I have a nice supply in my freezer for several Sunday dinners to come.
First of all - goes without saying. Pick the corn. Make sure it is ripe but not too ripe. As soon as the silk turns dark it should be ripe.
Next, fill a large pot with water and bring to a boil.
While the water is coming to a boil husk your corn and get all the silk off.
Once the water is boiling, add the ears of corn.
While the water is coming back to a boil fill two sinks (or large bowls or containers) full of cold water. Bring the pot back to boiling. As soon as it starts to boil, turn the burner off and take the corn from the boiling water and put into the first sink of cold water. This stops the cooking of the corn.
Then transfer to a second sink of cold water.
Using a sharp knife cut the corn from the cob - be careful not to get too close to the cob or you will get part of the cob too.
Put the corn into freezer bags - sizes of your choice. I use gallon bags for our Sunday dinners. The kids love corn and will eat, eat, eat.
Flatten your bags out while pushing out all the air. This way it will store in your freezer nicer.
When you are ready to use - thaw, heat and go to town!