Consider this a fig leaf of peace. |
I have a confession and an apology to make.
confession – I have been directing my frustration and anger (although that
sounds a little strong I can’t think of another word) towards the wrong thing.
apology – I need to ask forgiveness from almond farmers.
the back story:
am a dairy farmer in West MI and do blogging and agovacy – some on air on a
local radio station in Holland, MI.
the last several months occasionally and almost every time I personally hear
someone talking about almond milk I am quick to correct and I’m ashamed to say
quick to find fault.
usually point out that you can’t milk an almond and that it is nut juice with
other additives.
spoken about how closely the marketing of almond milk is to dairy.
made comparisons between dairy – cow’s milk and almond milk. I’ve done a fair
job and have only reported the truthful facts but it has always been my goal to
put almond milk on a much lower level than cow’s milk.
will say I think the marketers of almond milk have done a great job riding on
the coat tails of diary – with their packaging and other choices they’ve made
the consumer has a fairly easy time seguewaying
to almond milk. But, that’s their job.
reason for my confession and apology was an “ah ha” moment between me and the
good Lord. Don’t roll your eyes, keep reading.
not even sure when or how it happened but one day a thought came into my
consciousness and I had to stop and examine my motives and myself. I had been
doing everything I could to put down almond milk and raise cow’s milk in
consumer’s eyes. And, I guess that would be expected and even accepted. But –
and here’s the big BUT and the “ah ha” moment.
finally recognized that behind every almond – whether in milk or candy bars or
whatever stood a farmer. A fellow human that toils, sweats, and works at
creating a food source. They fight the same elements we do. Weather, pests,
prices and etc. are just a few.
seen how the lack of rain in California has been a huge problem. I know what it
looks and feels like to lose crops due to weather – lack of or too much.
eyes were opened to the fact that there are generational almond farmers trying
to keep the farm in the family. They are dealing with family issues, legal
issues and working to preserve a legacy.
would imagine almond farmers walk between the trees praying for God to bless
them. And I would bet there have been times of tears in those orchards just as
I have sat in a dried up hay field fighting fears of lack.
I humbly ask for forgiveness from almond farmers.
feel we should come together and support one another. I would think there is
enough food needs to go around.
do have one request from the marketers – please market and advertise without
touting that you are “better than dairy”. We are different yet alike. We are a
food source and almond milk can be a great alternative for those who are dairy
sensitive. And hey, maybe you like the taste of almond milk better than cow’s
milk – no problem. I think you’re nuts but . . . oh oh I’m slipping back!
line – we are both working our tails off and not getting enough money, nor
appreciation for what we do. Saying that, I want to show my appreciation for
you and your product – “Thanks, and I hope you have a marvelous, prosperous,
safe year and years ahead.”