OK. There’s this 120% uneducated person out there that is spreading lies
about the dairy industry and as a Pied Piper their followers are dancing along
behind them believing every word. I will not validate this person with a name
or site. But I will dissect the lies and share the truth.
This ignorant person states that cow’s milk gets whitened. They must be
confusing the dairy industry with the dental industry. I can see how easily
that can happen when you ignore all the facts.
Cow’s milk is white. Comes out white and stays white. There is no blood
or pus in your milk. Upon occasion an animal will have mastitis. That cow is
removed from the herd and treated. When her treatment is done and the hold time
is up the cow comes back into the herd to be milked.
Apparently this person knows more about dairying than us dairy farmers.
Their “facts” state that a cow is milked 24/7. Hmmm . . . we never knew that.
We’ve been giving them time to eat, drink, mingle with each other and chill out
on their mattresses in between the times we milk.
Another statement: a cow’s life span is 20 years, yet as a dairy
industry we turn them out in 4-5 years – it must be from having the milkers
hanging on their teats 24/7 (insert eye roll here). We have cows that are
double digit in age. Must be all the attention we are giving our animals – like
feeding and caring for medical needs. This has to stop so we can have a turn
over every 4-5 years.
Also, after the 4-5 year kick out the cows have their throats sliced at
the slaughter house – this person’s false fact. I’ve been to many slaughter
houses yet I’ve not seen this. A cow is an animal. This animal provides food
and products in many different ways. Milk and meat are two. If this person is
so anti-animal killing then they need to inspect their cupboards and lifestyle.
Footballs are generally made from cattle hide. Ooops, no more football!
Some soaps, lubricants, lipstick, face and hand creams are made from the
fats from beef. There will be some stinky, dry skinned people out there once
they see this.
Say bye-bye to buttons, bone china, piano keys, wall paper, sandpaper,
toothbrushes, combs, glues and violin strings. I guess it’s OK to not use
toothbrushes since this person and those who follow only eat vegetables. The
can mush them up and swallow – no teeth needed.
Are you diabetic? If you follow their reasoning and don’t use animal by
products (which many do) then I hope you have your will made out. It takes the
pancreases from 26 cattle to provide enough insulin to keep one diabetic person
alive for a year. There are 5 million diabetic people in the US and about 1.25
million of them need daily insulin. We can reduce population that way – make more
room to grow more vegetables.
Rape on the farm is a common occurrence in this person’s brain. I find
it offensive to even suggest something that is so horrific to so many women be
used to describe artificial insemination.
Personally, I see no need to attack people’s choices in food. If you
want to be vegetarian – great! If you want to be organic – great! If you want
to be GMO free – great! I choose to eat meat, drink milk, be a conventional
farmer and I don’t have any concerns about GMOs. There is plenty of room on
this ball of mud for all of us to have choices.
There is one thing I would ask. If you have any questions about organic
farming – ask an organic farmer, not a conventional farmer. If you have
questions about GMOs or other farming – ask a farmer who uses GMOs – don’t
listen to celebrities and angry specialty groups. Go to the source.
A great source for all your farming questions is Ask The Farmers face
book page, or their site askthefarmers.com This is a group of farmers – all sizes
and types that coexist on this page to answer questions and share information
on all kinds of farming practices.
You know the saying “Go towards the light?”
I’m saying “Go towards the source.”
Live long and carry on.