They say, “Drain the swamp”. I agree.
Even in the swamp there is an island. And island of wonderful, beautiful, caring, Godly people.
My niece was killed in an auto accident in Virginia just outside of Washington DC. We made the long 10+ hour trip down there. Our concern was for our nephew being so far from his childhood home of Michigan. “How will he do alone without his Leah? Who will help him through this?”
Our concerns were pointless as we soon found out – even before we left to travel south.
My brother and sister-in-law made the all-night trip immediately after hearing of the accident. They were brought into a home of one of the families that attended church with my nephew and niece. He called to let us know there were many families offering their home for others to stay if wanted.
Another family hosted eight other family members for a few days.
When you think about bringing in a grieving family to take care of them, there is a lot of work. And these people did it with so much love. There’s food to prepare, beds to be changed, beds to set up, towels to wash, extra work in the kitchen. Add to that being cordial and inter acting. And there were small children to entertain too.
Others came along side and walked through the funeral arrangements. They put together the photos, videos, helped plan the service. And, what a service we had.
When we arrived for the visitation the evening before the funeral, my brother brought us around to introduce us to those who had been and was still helping my nephew. Over and over we were introduced to loving, caring, grieving friends.
And they all were there due to the love of Leah. She was a special woman who planted seeds of love. Hearing everyone share their life they had with her encourages us to be better. That’s what she did when she was there – she made life better.
We have no doubt that there will be many who will keep their promise of “Keeping charge over Michael” for us as the family travels back to Michigan.
Our hearts were lightened by the outreach of love by our new extended family members.
When God is in the midst he is able to create islands in any kind of swamps.
As you travel through this life, look for the islands. Better yet, be the island.