Happy Birthday Dad!
Today is a very special day – my dad’s 87th birthday.
How is it that I was chosen to have him as my father? I’m not sure how God decides but I am so grateful I was chosen to be his daughter.
From the very beginning my dad has been a big presence in my life. I remember “helping” him when he was building our home. He built my childhood home just about single handedly. And, it’s wonderful to be able to come home to that same house.
I remember him helping me to ride a bike. I learned to plant sweet corn with him. When we went fishing up north it wasn’t “we” that fished. It was me – he was continually baiting my hook, removing a fish or untangling my line.
On Sunday mornings before church we used to kneel and pray in the living room. I remember liking to be by his side.
He took me to piano lessons – which I totally felt was a waste of time.
He spent a lot of time building the church we went to. It was fun to see behind the scenes as the building was going up.
He was by my side at church when I accepted Christ and when I was accepted by my husband.
Growing up he always stopped in at bedtime and sat on the edge of the bed and told me how much he loved me.
Never do we say good-bye in person or on the phone without me hearing "I love you and I'm so proud of you."
My dad has been involved in my life and I love him so much.
Now, he’s also my kids’ Grampa. And all my boys are drawn to him and will sit and listen to his stories of how he grew up etc.
My dad is tough – he just went through a year of medical treatments that were discouraging, time consuming and limited his involvement in life. He made it through fine.
And, all of this is a result in his relationship with God. That has always been the plumb line in our family.
Over and over again, my dad pointed out how God was working things out and that his Presence was responsible for all.
So, I want to wish my wonderful father a Happy Birthday, tell the world how great he is and I pray you all have a father or father figure in your life as wonderful as I do.