I have finally found another avenue of income.
I shall gather all our muddy jeans and sell them on e-bay.
And, ours will be higher quality.
Ours will be ORGANIC. They will be real. No artificial dirt. This is genuine farm dirt. And a bonus - there will be some poop, pee and grease mixed in. Cow poop, chicken crap, a few animal hairs too.
No hormones added and they may or may not be GMO free depending on where the jeans have wandered.
Oh, and then our added value will be the smell. You can't put a value on the smell. And you all know how horrible the fake scents are. They just never get it quite right.
So there you have it. Every "lazy, don't want to really work" person, you too can continue the guise of high fashion by purchasing our jeans.
Even though we have the added value of smell our prices are competitive at $399.99 plus free shipping if you order before first cutting hay.
And, BONUS! For every 3 pair of jeans ordered we will throw in a FREE sweaty T-shirt that is the ultimate match to your poop/dirt covered jeans. The sweat smell is designed to blend perfectly with the poop smell of the jeans. You will be the envy of every "non-worker" you come in contact with.
So, order now before these go out of fashion.
And a sneek peek into the fashion world that's on the horizon - feed bag purses.