What do you think when you read the title Back to School Woes?
All the moans and groans of the kids who are trying to hang on to their summer like a dog with his bone?
Well, that’s one scenario.
What I’m referring to are the parents, especially moms, who are taking their babies to college. Or for the mom (I speak what I know, so you’re getting a mom’s point of view) who has no one left at home to send to school. Her youngest graduated last year and this is her first year without school.
It’s hard. It’s dang hard.
When my youngest left the nearby elementary school, I avoided driving by it for many months. And, it’s right on my way home from just about everywhere. Considering I had put in 18 continuous years there with all the boys it was emotionally hard.
After raising four sons and sitting through countless basketball games, wrestling matches, track meets, and football games I was invested. I was at home on the bleachers as much as I was in my living room. In fact, I think if I sat on one of those spots on the bleachers now it would recognize my hiney!
And, football was my favorite. So, along with back to school in the fall comes football.
So, not only do I miss the whole school thing, I long to go back to the football field as one of the moms. There were a few of us football moms that coordinated Thursday night supper for the team. The years before we were in charge, it would be pizza or another type of take out. Not us! We had meals. And I mean meals! Steak on the grill, lasagna, spaghetti, and more. Many other moms helped with the desserts. We loved on those kids through their stomachs.
To say Friday nights were my favorite is an understatement.
It’s been 14 years and I still desire to go back. I have a hard time watching the sport’s highlights of the local school’s football games – yes, I need counseling.
But, I’m baring my soul here for a reason.
Especially for you moms who are having a hard time this fall. Whether or not it's football, cheerleading or just plain school.
It’s just plain going to be difficult. Your heart will ache and you will cry tears for a while. There is nothing to take it away. Time will chase away your sorrow.
And, when someone who is trying to help tells you “You’ll always be a mom”, please don’t smack them. They have no clue or they wouldn’t say that. We all know we will always be a mom but it will be different.
What you had cannot be repeated. You can’t go back. It’s done and finished.
So, feel bad, cry and be upset. It’s OK.
Eventually, you will find a new rhythm and dance a new step.
But in the meantime, I’m offering my shoulder.