I have a problem with “Keeping Christ in Christmas.”
Before you go all wonky on me, let me explain.
I totally understand the whole idea but for me it just doesn’t work.
We purpose to interject Christ in our everyday. We talk about him, we try to point out his blessings and we look for him in every situation. Jesus should be as easy to speak of and experience as a sunset, or rainbow after the rain. You need to expect and look for him and you will find him.
And, keeping Christ in Christmas – shouldn’t we let him out of Christmas and invite him into our daily lives?
If I make a huge deal about him on Christmas day it will feel like I need to save him for that day.
I also think that part of it is that we have never made birthdays a big deal around here. Oh, we celebrate them but there are gifts and celebrations of each other all year long. I don’t want to have to have a calendar dictate when I should be nice or appreciative of someone. And, I didn’t want my family to think they had to pay attention to Christ on Christmas and then could let him slide into the background the rest of the year.
So, while I get the whole idea, I’m not a fan.
I pray your Christmas Christ is acknowledged all year long and that you seek him, find him and celebrate him daily.