When a fellow farmer has a problem whether it be sickness, accident, fire or other natural disaster we farmers jump in and fully invest ourselves to assist.
I’ve heard many times how wonderful the farming community is and that the rest of the population should take heed and learn to work together and help.
I’ve been watching some infighting with farmers because of Walmart’s choice to use milk from different producers than it previously had. Walmart’s choice has left some farmers without a market which is horrible.
But, there’s more to the story – there always is.
Some are saying Walmart is starting their own dairy and adding cows to the market – False.
They are using milk from different farmers than in the past. Walmart is using milk from three suppliers. One of the suppliers is Foremost Farms – our coop. Another thing I know about Walmart’s different milk producers is that the milk has to meet certain somatic cell count specifications.
I’m hearing that Walmart is using milk from large farms only. I’m not sure that is correct. They are purchasing milk from coops and I know our coop takes milk from all sizes of farms.
I’m hearing “boycott” Walmart and whatever you do, do not buy milk there. How hypocritical is this? If you’re a dairy farmer right now you are hurting – it doesn’t matter what size, you are. By boycotting Walmart you are boycotting fellow farmers.
When we farmers accuse and attack each other we are doing the job of anti-animal activists. They can sit back and watch as our community unravels.
There is a farmer behind every drop of milk.
I was called out about a year ago when I wrote a blog that involved almond juice. I’m pretty zealous about fooling or scaring our consumers about food choices. In the process of comparing nut juice with dairy, I became very judgmental which shed a bad light on the almond farmer. One of my followers commented that I was totally criticizing a fellow farmer. They were right. I felt physically sick and proceeded to blog about my mistake and apologize.
This is happening now in mass. Large farms are being blamed for pushing out the mom and pop farms. And CAFO – or the very misnamed factory farms are still painted as evil.
In the spirt of transparency – we are a CAFO farm. We increased our size back in 2003 – we haven’t had any large increases since then. But, we did so to support three sons coming into the farm. We are a family farm. Our farm is hurting. We are all in – don’t have time to go off the farm to bring in income from other places. We’re sweating it out and working our butts off to cut costs. It’s not a fun time and it’s a worrisome time.
The bottom line in all this low milk prices is capitalism. We just don’t want to connect a family farm with the business world – impossible to separate.
I'd prefer to be referred to as those farmers who come to the rescue of other farmers, who lend a helping hand, to fill in the needed gaps of each other.
I’m just asking that we farmers stop the back biting, in house fighting. Let’s circle the wagons and try to support all farmers.
We’re better than that.
A house divided cannot stand.