There is a man who changed the world.
Most of you won’t know him.
He built a house for his family with his own hands.
He’s been faithful to his one and only wife for 66 years.
He put food on the table for them year after year.
He taught them to plant a garden – to till, plant and harvest.
He taught his family to hunt wisely and respectfully of the prey and the weapon.
He built a building where people learned about Jesus.
He brought all of his kids to the place where they wanted Jesus as their own.
He has read his Bible daily for years.
He prays daily for his kids, grand-kids, great-grandkids and great-great-grandkids.
He gives freely when a need arises.
He instilled a great work ethic into each of his kids.
He is revered in his circle of influence.
He has changed the world.
Maybe not your world.
But he has changed my world daily for the better.
My dad.
Happy 88th Birthday Daddy!