There is so much fear-based information or I should say lack of information out there right now especially concerning glyphosate.
If you really want to grab someone’s attention – use fear. Convince us we are hurting, depriving or harming our children or family members and we will jump at the chance to keep them safe.
And, why would any company want to scare us into choosing their product? Could it be that the bottom line is the almighty dollar?
Fear is an emotion and it’s much easier for emotions to rule than having to take the time to find facts.
Fear us easily understood and can reach out and grab much easier than looking for facts.
Facts on the other hand are cold and carry no warm and fuzzy feelings like emotions. Facts take a little time to read and understand. The science behind some of the testing is hard to understand.
People accuse us farmers of being paid by chemical companies to use their products. If only. As a farmer we are using the best products to help us be profitable. After all, farming is our business as well as our life. We have to be profitable to live.
I love my family as much as the next person as do most farmers (I can’t speak for all). But I would never use anything that I thought would harm them.
And, I get the whole emotional, passionate part. I’m emotional and passionate about the fact that as farmers we are so misunderstood. We farmers feel the blows of every “expert” that damns us or what we are trying to do – feed people.
So, let’s put our feelings aside and purpose to find real information – from both sides – that is credible and not driven by a group that is formed from emotions concerning issues.
Let’s hold our tongues, listen to each other, look honestly at the sources of our information.
Above all, let civility rein.
And maybe have a little love for each other.
This is one good source of information if you desire to learn: