I am drawn to sunrises and sunsets. I'm not sure why. If I am inside working in the mornings I am constantly looking towards the east to see if there will be one. As I walk by a window I will pause and search the sky. I have to look in different areas of the east depending on the season.
God spoke to me this morning as I was looking and expecting a sunrise. Just a little hue of color in the morning convinces me there will be more as the morning continues.
I was reminded that if I looked towards or for the blessings or good stuff in my life I would observe more. If I neglected gazing out the window this morning I would have missed this. If I would have let the busyness of my morning hinder my search this is what I would have missed.
What am I missing in my life by not searching, looking for, expecting the best? What have I missed by being so busy seeing the negative or the problems?
God whispers suggestions all the time, if we only listen.
Today he whispered to me through the sunrise. Search, look for, expect me and my blessings today and everyday.