It comes in waves.
In between it slamming onto the shore and making you run back to dry land, you have some time to think “It will be OK”, “we can get this done”, “things will get better”.
Then a wave of bad weather. Too wet, too dry, too hot, snow too soon.
Then a reprieve in the weather and you get a few fields in and the waves recede. “Just maybe, we’ll be OK.”
Then a wave of broken-down machinery. The time to get the crops in is now, not a week from now when the parts come in.
Then a reprieve – you find a rental to get back into the field. Even though there is extra money involved, you think, maybe.
Then a wave of employee problems. They show up late, they are slow, they cause problems with others, they don’t show up at all.
Then a reprieve. Someone comes knocking on your door and has the same heart as yours and works tirelessly by your side. You think, we can do this together.
Then another wave. This one is stronger than the others before. This one feels like it will sweep you away. A wave of strife – between family members, between co-workers. Little annoyances become larger than life. Misunderstanding becomes the norm. Thankfulness and appreciation are replaced with criticism and ungratefulness. Offense is first, understanding and grace slips to the bottom of the page.
With every wave you lose a little energy to stay on your feet.
There are times when it’s hard to see you are not standing alone. That there is a God who cares and who sees all. There are times when you just want the wave to take you away so you don’t have to fight it. Surrender to the wave and be done with it all.
I pray for all farmers who deal daily with these waves of stress. I pray you will find a lifeboat to help when wave after wave comes in. There is no easy “rescue plan”.
I pray for farmers everywhere.