Since Thanksgiving is coming up I wanted to focus on this Holiday through our farming eyes.
This has been the worst year of farming for us and many other farmers across the country and beyond.
We started out wet and crops got in months late.
BUT we’re thankful we got them in.
Because of the shorten growing season we didn’t know what kind of harvest we would reap.
BUT We are grateful God is in charge of that.
Rain came again with harvest and we are still trying to get the last 100 acres of corn out of the field. We left some alfalfa in the field also. We still need to sow rye and haul manure.
BUT we are grateful we are as far as we are and trust we will be able to finish.
At the beginning of the year we were meeting with advisors on how to survive. Many – too many farms didn’t. There are times I feel guilty that we are still here while others aren’t.
BUT we are blessed to still be doing this.
Five years ago, when milk prices dropped below survival mode we never thought it would last this long.
BUT we are grateful that prices are coming up.
After much research and prayer, we decided to start a satellite dairy. God brought us the employees before we asked, gave us wonderful contacts for our new cows and a facility within a mile of our home farm. We’ve had challenges and are still working through things.
BUT we are thankful God is going through it with us.
At the beginning of the year I believed God gave me a Word – “This will be your turn around year”. I repeated that over and over throughout the year even when we were wondering if we could survive.
He is faithful to his Word. We believe we are turning the ship with His help.
We all have so much to consider as blessings in our lives. We should be mindful every single day. During this holiday time I pray you realize your blessings and see some you never knew existed.
We are thanking God ahead of time for the remainder of this year – accident free, being productive and blessed.
My Word for next year is INCREASE. I need to start thinking of where I can sow some time and money in for our overflow.
Happy Thanksgiving and Blessings to all.