Well, I do have an excuse now. Global Warming. Yep, that’s the reason for my dirty car.
If it was colder there would be snow. If there was snow my road and barn driveway wouldn’t be brown and mushy. It would be a beautiful shade of clean which would influence my car.
So, therefore, I can blame Mother Nature on the appearance of my car.
I try, but I don’t always succeed at looking at the bright side of things. Well, there isn’t a bright anything left on any side of this vehicle. So I will slip on my optimistic glasses and give you a few reasons why my mud mobile ain’t all that bad.
It is much easier for me to find my car in a parking lot – I just look for the dirtiest one. Very rarely are there any others worse than mine. In fact, when my car is clean it looks like so many other cars that I really have to pay attention to find it. I’m thinking of hanging some fuzzy cows from the mirror.
I have saved many a rainy day. It never fails. When I wash my car, within 24 hours it rains – except when I try this during the summer drought – then it never rains. Even if the temperature is 5 degrees we have a fluke weather pattern that refuses to the freeze the precipitation.
I feel like I have an advantage when it comes to police intervention/speed control. I blend right in with the passing scenery – the brown fields and the winter sleeping trees.
I don’t have to crawl down my road worried I will get my car dirty. I’m not much into crawling.
The dirt gives me a feeling of confidence. It shows I can be my own person. Peer pressure will not affect me. My car doesn’t have to look like all the other cars for me to be able to fit in. I can be myself!
I am advertising my livelihood. Farming and dirt go together like chocolate and peanuts. Who needs those expensive plastic wrapped ads or window clings? I carry around the real deal to show everyone up close and personal.
My car is my workout/yoga mobile. It’s very tricky opening the door without getting my purse or packages dirty. It takes muscles to balance the bags on my arms while pulling the handle with my hand. I can do this and keep things clean. It took weeks of practice and now I am in such great shape. Also, stretching has become extremely important in my daily routine. I have to stretch ever so far to enter the vehicle without coming in contact. Getting out is easier now that I practice like I’m jumping out of a plane.
The money I have saved from running through car washes will pay for Christmas next year – it’s gonna be a good one.
I have been spared the disappointment of the first dirt on a clean car syndrome so many times that it is like a shot in the arm of endorphins. No sadness because what was once clean is now tarnished.
The best reason – I would have missed this love note from one of my wigglies – you can bet the car did not get washed until the message fell off on its own.
So if you’re a clean car freak, relax. Life goes on just fine without the shine.