Dear Government,
The Mueller report found no collusion. Can we stop wasting money and send it to the farmers and ranchers who desperatly need it? Politics is a machine with no heart and doesn't care for the people it's supposed to serve. It doesn't matter whether you are red or blue. Nebraska, Iowa, Colorado and other "non-important fly over states" are dying and have no color left.
Turn your eyes around from looking at yourselves and see those who put you there to begin with and start serving with a purpose. A purpose of helping and healing. You may be surprised how it might actually create a place of unity and harmony that will bring us all together again.
Until then we farmers and ranchers with God's help will show you the true spirit of America and will reach out and help each other. We will take what we have, what we personally need and share it with those who happen to need it worse right now. Because, that's what we do. That's what we've been taught and seen in the past. That is what makes America the best place in the world to live.
So please, elected officials quit mucking up the system.