I'm Anticipating a Wonderful Trip I Hope I Never Take Again.


I am beyond excited “for” but not “why”. 

So far I’m guessing none of this makes sense but stick with me I will convince you I am smarter than I sound – I keep telling my family that all the time.

I was going to say “unless you’ve been living under a rock” you know about the flooding and disastrous weather our farmers and ranchers out west have had. Sadly, there are still people who haven’t seen or heard a news clip about it.

There are convoys going to Nebraska bringing supplies from all over the country. The Farmer and Rancher Aid from West MI convoy is leaving Friday, April 19 for Nebraska and Farmer and I are planning on going along! I am beyond excited.

We will be hauling round straw bales on our goose neck flat bed. Destinations are Freemont, Schuler and Columbus. Right now, we are one of 17 vehicles going.

This same group went a couple of years ago when the horrendous fires were burning. I wanted to go then, but it didn’t work out. I am excited to spend time with these people – being with good people rub off. I need all the good people I can get.

I am anticipating this to be an emotional trip. I get emotional just thinking about it.

While we will be bringing bales of straw and hay, fence posts, wire, feed pellets and more what I’m hoping to be bringing with everyone else is love, hope and courage to our fellow farmers and ranchers.

I’m praying our material goods will make a difference and that all the feelings we are bringing with us starts to fill a void they must have. Farmers are tough. They battle through many trials. And like a blood transfusion I pray we fill them with renewed hope, courage and strength to clean things up and carry on. Life will never ever be the same for them, but there will be recovery, there will be rebuilding and there will be a future for many.

I especially pray for those who will not recover and go back to the life they loved. There will be some who will need to change course – not because they want to but because the circumstances directed them. Yet, because they are part of a tribe they will be supported, cared for and loved into their new way of life.

So, yes, I am looking forward to this more than I have anything in a long time but I hope to never have to do it again.

I pray that these farmers and ranchers never face a tragedy like this. I pray for farmers and ranchers around the world to be safe, to be able to make a living off the land and critters they love that God gave them to oversee. I pray the spirit within farmers find a resting place where they can be renewed. I pray this is a springtime for farmers and ranchers everywhere. A time where things are fresh and new. A time where hope is planted and a future harvest is tangible.

Please pray for all the convoys heading out. Pray for those ranchers and farmers that are still digging out of mud and ice. For those who are still collecting dead cows and calves. For those who are working to restore roads, bridges and railways.

The list is long and the problems are big. Yet, we serve a BIG God and none of this is hard for him. None of this was a surprise to him. Why did this happen? Have no clue. Did God cause it? Nope, never. He is a Good God. He is right here beside us.

If you feel led to help out with our fellow farmers and ranchers the easiest way would be to message at Farm and Rancher aid from West Michigan on face book.

Thanks for your prayers while we are on this most wonderful trip we hope to never take again.

Nebraska Bound - Installment 1

Happy 89 to the Best Dad Ever!