Milk alternatives are better than dairy = a big fat lie, unless they are.
How’s that for a confusing first sentence?
Nut juices and plant-based drinks that vie for your dairy needs have done a great job of “convincing” you that their product is better for you. Well, that depends.
If you are lactose intolerant (there is a dairy alternative), allergic to milk, or just plain don’t care for the taste of milk, then drinking the alternative is better for you. It fills your personal need.
But, if you are across the board telling us that the plant-based drinks are better as in healthier than you’ve just spoken a total lie.
Now, before you start assuming I’m going to slam the dairy alternative products, think again. I will not speak against a fellow farmer. You see, there is a farmer behind those almonds, soy and whatever else they are using to create that drink. As a fellow farmer I intend to speak the truth while supporting all other farmers. Farming is way too hard to pit farmer against farmer.
I will say though I am not happy how the marketing for the alternative drinks are. The marketing firms have done a terrific job piggybacking dairy. They package like dairy; they even steal the term milk and some of these products sit in the dairy case right beside the real deal. That is confusing for shoppers. Hopefully there are things in process that will bring that false advertising to an end.
I would like to tell you a few things about the value of real dairy.
Milk is always 100% antibiotic free.
Milk is a food item that is never touched by human hands.
There are 9 essential nutrients in milk - calcium, potassium, phosphorus, protein, vitamins A, D and B12,
riboflavin and niacin.
Milk is a great recovery drink for athletes.
Milk does the body good.
Milk is not full of added ingredients. Other than Vitamin D, milk is all milk.
Don’t be confused in the grocery store by labels and advertising. Milk comes from a mammal. I’ve never seen a mammary gland on almonds or other plants.
If you want info about the other drinks, then help yourself.
Whether you choose a plant beverage or the real deal – dairy, please recognize a living breathing farmer worked hard to provide that beverage for you.