Oh, These Girls


I had 4 sons, and I’m ever so grateful. I never wanted a daughter. Now I have 2 granddaughters and every year we go shopping for school clothes.

This was our 10th year.



1st Grade - we started with matching outfits.

1st Grade - we started with matching outfits.

2nd grade

2nd grade

3rd grade

3rd grade

4th grade

4th grade

5th Grade

5th Grade

6th Grade

6th Grade

7th Grade

7th Grade

8th Grade

8th Grade

9th Grade

9th Grade

I am beyond blessed to be able to not only do this each year but to have these beauties in my life and live so close I can see them everyday.

I pray we will continue to have “special” days together for a very long time.

Thank you God for these precious gems.

What I Didn't See at Farmer's Class Reunion

Birthday + Blueberries + Buddies = Beautiful