This is the look I get when I peek in on Max.
It’s a constant “where did he go now and what is he doing” monitoring. And for the most part he’s been a really good dog.
He’s extremely smart and has a nose like a beagle. You can’t hide anything from him and when trying to train with treats he’s all about the treats.
With Max I have to always be on the lookout. Always taking time away from what I’m doing to see what he’s up to.
The same with sunrises and sunsets. Early in the morning just as it’s starting to get light you know within a short period of time a full blown sunrise will happen depending on the weather. I jumped in the car this morning to capture this.
Since, I can’t sit and watch for 30 minutes or so for it to happen, I move on to other things. But, I keep going back to watch in anticipation.
That’s the thing with God. We need to keep watching with anticipation or we will miss so many blessings along the way. Normally the small ones get overlooked. Such as:
A full belly after breakfast
Warm clothes to wear
A bird eating berries from the tree that was so full of beautiful blossoms in the spring
The leaves changing colors
The different shades of green in the world
How the clouds can float, stand still and roll depending on weather
The sound of dry corn standing in the field makes when the wind blows through
We just miss so much if we aren’t paying attention and looking.
When it comes to God, we miss wonderful, exciting things.
When it comes to Max, it can be stinking awful things.
Let’s keep our eyes open.