What do you see when you look at this picture?
For me it depends on what glasses I have on.
If I put on my “rose colored “glasses I see a beautiful field of promise. Green alfalfa in the future. The awesome aroma that will come with first cutting. Good feed for our cows. Needed nourishment for our business. Not a weed in sight . . . lovely.
If I put on my “reality” glasses I see something different. Way different. I see hours and hours of Son#2 sowing the seed. I see hours of my granddaughter and daughter-in-law eating dirt while picking up rocks. I see hours of others spreading manure, tilling repeatedly. I see a lot of work that will do nothing to profit us because of the reality of the world right now. Milk prices in the toilet, this administration’s choice of fuel for us is killing us, shutdowns, etc. The regulations and hoops ag must jump through. On and on my complaining can continue – and rightly so.
I’m trying really hard to keep the rose-colored glasses on. They enhance my look. They frame my face better. They have smoother edges and softer color.
The reality glasses are too big for my face. They are dark with sharp corners. They do nothing for my face. They magnify harsher than the other. But oddly enough they are more comfortable. I find myself reaching for them way too often before the rose-colored ones.
I’m trying really hard to keep the rose-colored ones on. If you happen to see me with big, dark, sharp reality glasses will you please remind me to look for the rose-colored instead?