These geese are an arm’s length out the back door of my parents’ home.
They are beautiful.
They are the bane of my mom’s existence, though.
And the same goes for the squirrels, chipmunks, and certain birds.
Even though they live in a neighborhood there is a flurry of creatures just outside their sunroom.
My mother goes from being excited when the new goslings waddle up from the lake to knocking on the window to make them exit her yard. Goose poop is not on anyone’s like list.
Then there are the “ugly” birds that chase away and eat the seed for the pretty birds. More knocking on the windows.
But, oyyy, the squirrels. No matter what trickery we try to thwart them, it fails. They can climb greased poles, poles sitting all alone with no tree within a half a mile for them to jump from, long large tubes that give no footing. All to get to that bird seed. Nothing works except the window pounding.
The window pounding is temporary at best. When it gets to be too much my mom will open the window and yell at them. This seems to amuse the critters, but they eventually go.
So, while there are moments of enjoying their beauty the best benefit we see from these is the satisfaction of getting my mom up and moving.
She’s agitated when she’s moving but that’s a bonus. It gets her heart beating a little faster. And at 91, she needs all the help she can get.
Who knew squirrels could be personal trainers?