Mosley is now 3.5 months old, and I am working on walking him with Max on a leash.
The Land Sharkness comes in when giving treats to him while he is paying attention. And let me tell you he isn’t polite about taking them yet – thus the slices in my hands.
Since he still needs another shot, I can’t walk him on a walking path, since I live on a busy street it’s not safe to try to wrangle him on the road. So, I take them up to my church parking lot where there is tar – less distraction than trying to walk him in the grass or fields.
We’ve been doing this a couple of weeks now and he now expects it first thing in the morning. We are up to .75 miles which we do in about 21 minutes per mile. I then drop him off home and Max and I walk the other to make up the 2 miles in 16 – 17 minutes per mile.
I must say I do enjoy it as much as they do – sometimes.
The other morning it was a three-ring circus.
They go out to potty. Breakfast. Yard collars on.
I had to test Mosley’s because it got wet the night before – It tested fine in the garage, so he was let out.
I checked to see where he was and he was pulling one of the flags out of the ground so, yes, not working. Out to the road I go with jammies to rescue Mosley and try to figure out the collar. Back and forth 3 times – drying the collar, new battery etc.
I hung the collar over a fan and decided to run back and take a shower. I then made up my mind I was gonna relax – it was only 7:00 am-ish, so I put on clean jammies to sit and play some word games.
But before I sat down, I decided to test the collar again – I did throw on some jeans since traffic would be greater at that time. Collar still wasn’t working.
At that point I forgot all about the relaxing plan and decided to run up to church to walk the dogs. Only I forgot to change my PJ tops.
Thankfully I had a jacket on – full of dog treats that the Land Shark would mangle my hand for.
It wasn’t until I was home back in the chair “trying” to play one stinkin’ word game that I noticed my wardrobe.
And after some time of the collar laying in the warm oven – thank you Farmer – it’s up and working again.
My hands look I’ve been in the fields picking thistles.
Mosley is learning and I only wear PJs on the way to bed now.