Another Day in Corn Land

Farmer spent another day riding Big Green. This is the inside of BG. The small TV doesn't get cable - just a rear view. There are beepers and buzzers and flashing lights. BG lets you know when his bin is full, when his auger is running and other techy things.

BG ate up several acres, in fact his hunger is still driving him now. It's 8:00 PM and I think he will keep going as long as farmer and the guys can stay awake. Rain is coming.

When most people don't want rain it's because they've just washed their car or want to be out side at an event or just enjoying the outdoors. When we pray the rain away it is dollars to us. The corn this year is pretty decent considering the lack of hot days. It has caused the corn to be a little slow in maturing. It is a little wet too. Everyday the corn is in the field past maturity it loses value. That loss of value has to be made up in the cows' feed with minerals, and other foods.

Other times we pray for rain. Farming is extremely dependant on circumstances not controllable. I have said many times "Want to gamble? Forget the casinos, start farming." I will have to say though, God has been good to us. We figure as long as we're doing our best to take care of what he gave us, he will just have to take care of the rest.

Sleep, Why Doth Thou Mess with Me?

Because of Veterans . . .