Sleep, Why Doth Thou Mess with Me?

Some things as simple as sleep has become an all consuming issue throughout my life. Following is the progression.

When I was first married sleep was good, no kids, hormones right where they should be, life was good.

Babies came and they slept or I should say napped during the day. None of my babies were night sleepers. Since Farmer was busy farming all day I got night duty. I would have sold any one of them just for sleep.

Because my boys were spread apart by several years it made sleep impossible. By the time the youngest slept all night long my oldest was a teenager. Angst, trepidation and fear replaced sleep. Even after they came home I laid awake either thanking God he made it home or so wide awake from my discussion with him for being late. "Where have you been, and why didn't you call and if you can't do it before midnight you don't have to be out doing it!"

Finally, the nest is emptied and nothing to hamper the sleep. Or so I hoped. Hormones are a wonder. I wonder why they pester so. I can be minding my own business, catching a few winks when all of a sudden my body kick starts. Normal temperature to melting through the mattress in 0 - 3.5 seconds. Covers are kicked off while I glow like a piece of charcoal grilling a steak. 15 minutes to cool down, try to get back to sleep only to have it happen again and again.

So, you wonder why we women are cranky? You try waiting 25 years to get a good night's sleep only to have your own body turn on you. I'm getting tired just writing about it, think I'll just lay down for a few minutes.

Happy Dance

Another Day in Corn Land