If you saw a crazy looking lady dancing in the field it probably was me. We are DONE. We are DONE. We are DONE with corn. 265 acres combined and in the silos. The rain held off and hopefully the 16+ hour days are done, at least until Spring.
There is still plenty to do. Machines need fixing. The combine needs to be cleaned up and put away. Gotta get ready for snow - shh don't say that word in front of Farmer. That's like a cussin word to him. Hopefully this will be a mild winter and we won't have to shovel snow off the roof. Had one roof collapse a few years ago.
The fields are bare and tired looking. It takes a lot of work to grow a crop and have 1000s of pounds of machinery run you over time and time again. Soon the land will be dreaming under a blanket of snow.
With corn done and date night coming up, maybe, just maybe our date will not include red dogs, grain trucks or Big Green.