We had an unusual start to our Sunday today. I was up in the kitchen peeling potatoes for dinner and just took a cake out of the oven. All of a sudden, my cat Trixy, who was sitting on the chair looking out the dining room window, flew off the chair, ran through the kitchen into the family room. I thought, what in the world did she see and started walking to the window. I saw the culprit. A loose calf was trotting by my kitchen window. I thought he was coming up onto my back porch, but he turned and went around the pool.
I hollered at Farmer who was lying on the couch and he jumped up pretty fast – for an old man. I went out the slider and saw Robin walking across the road with a rope in her hand.
It was wet and foggy. That critter continued around the pool and headed into the field behind the house at a pretty good trot. She looked like she knew exactly where she was going and was on a mission. She was headed for the woods at the back of the field. With the fog as thick as it was we were losing sight of her.
Farmer and Robin jumped in the truck to circle around in front of her. I called son #1 to make sure he wasn’t back there getting ready to shoot the Big Buck. We didn’t want any casualties this morning.
They circled the truck in the field up and around in front of her and sort of herded the calf back up towards our house where I stood ready with my new camera. I stood on the pool deck and zoomed in and snapped away. I was about 75 yards away. Farmer impressed me with his prowess. He crept up on her while Robin was distracting the calf by talking to her. In one graceful leap, Farmer nabbed the calf. Both Robin and Farmer held her down while putting the halter on her. She managed to travel about a quarter mile away from her stall. Oh the story she had to tell to the rest.
We were only a few minutes late for church. Not bad considering all this happened 30 minutes before we had to leave.