As some of you know I had a cookie company a few years ago. Fun times, great experiences and friendships were harvested. A couple of new friendships came about in what I think are unique circumstances.
I became friends with Friend #1 while she was buying cookies from me at the Farmer’s Market for her employer. She was a personal chef at the time and she is now a culinary arts instructor and sought after by many. The one thing she didn’t really like to do is bake. She bought cookies from me for some time before introducing herself. I met her when she called and needed cookies a few days before the market. I discovered then who she was and who she worked for. The next time I spoke to her she wanted to know if I would be at the market. Her employers liked my cookies so much they wanted to meet me. That was surprising, yet a bit exciting as he was also running for an elected state office.
She and I became fast friends. We see each other often.
Friend #2 is tied into Friend #1 in a twist of circumstances. As I stated, #1’s employer was running for a state office. I believed he was a good choice and did a little bit of volunteering for him. At one point I offered to bake cookies if a need ever arose. I received a notice about two fund raising events and would I be interested in making cookies for either one? I chose one and called the person hosting the event. I could not make the actual event due to a conflict somewhere along the way. The day of the fundraiser I delivered the cookies to the home. That’s where I met friend #2. What a gem. We get together every 6 weeks or so. We just had lunch this past Tuesday where she treated me to a wonderful afternoon. We sat in a nice restaurant overlooking the river. She has quite an interesting job working as a personal assistant to a woman who leads a very different life than I. It’s fascinating hearing all she does. She has a lot of unique opportunities but works hard and earns everything she receives.
If not for the cookies I would never have met friend #1. If not for the politics I would never have met friend #2.