Farmer Has a Stash

Another beautiful, yet windy day in West Michigan and time to continue the corn.

Finally, around 2:30 PM the combining commences. Today was Callie Grace's turn to ride with Grampa. I was at the barn and Farmer picked me up and we snagged Callie and drove out to the field.

I decided to jump in and ride a round and it wasn't long before Gramps pulls out his stash. "It's getting kinda low" he said. Callie brought her own along - a portion of her Halloween candy.

About this time I'm thinking, "something's not right about this. Here he is riding around in a nice bouncy seat, heat, radio and a stash of candy. Should I blow the hard working opinion everyone has of farmer and let the whole world see that even farmers have it good upon occasion?"

Yep, I'm a whistle blower - he has a good easy job today. After the one round I took the pickup back to the barn.

Just before we left the barn to head to the field I was taking pictures of a cow that was just starting labor and by the time I got back she was done. I was checking out the new calf and in the next pen the cow's water broke - so there is a least one more coming today.

It was about that time I decided to take another picture and realized I had attracted a gummy bear to the lens of my camera - farmer wouldn't have liked that! So I de-gummied and all is well. Think I need to find my stash - no fruity, gummies for me - hard core chocolate.

Ducks, Coyotes and Corn

Big Green Machine