Ducks, Coyotes and Corn

Ever have one of those days that seem to go on forever?

This morning started with a phone call from Son #1 wanting to know if I had gone for my walk yet and could I please go in the field behind our house to scare the ducks out of the water in the field. He and Grandson #1 were about 1/2 mile away and the ducks left the pond where they were and had settled in for a nice long swim.

So, as always I obliged. It wasn't too bad until I started sinking up to my ankles in mud, slipping and sliding through the harvested corn field. Success, the ducks took off and after about 10 minutes of circling the pond they dive in for a landing.

I was referred to as a retriever today on facebook. I was walking back to the road to head over to the pond where they were and heard the gun go off. As I get over the hill, Son # 1 and Grandson #1 are tracking the duck. The duck was hit and took a nose dive ala flutter and was sucking dirt. All of a sudden Grandson hollered and the duck flew up almost knocking his hat off. Son #1 swings around, I duck, the duck flees and all is well with the duck.

Earlier that morning while Son and Grandson were quacking the ducks in they heard something running, turned around and watched a coyote chase a rabbit. So Grandson had a good day.

I returned home and did homey stuff and then headed out to the bank and to get a part for something for the pool. We may be the only open pool in West Michigan. Farmer thinks that as long as we don't have to chisel ice off the top we are still good.

Went to work at church and was busy and enjoyed honoring the veterans. Thank you to all Veterans and families of Veterans. The high cost of freedom should not go unnoticed.

Farmer is up on top of a 80 ft. silo right now - probably trying to get that last kernel in and close it up.

It was a glorious day and all I wanted to do was ride in the combine and watch it eat up the corn. I stopped in the road and watched a bit. It was such a short time ago that the ground was just warming up and the disc was slicing through. Then planting and watching those little green whiskers pop up and overnight grow into a strong green stalk holding ears. Through the summer too much rain, not enough rain, too hot, too cold. And now the corn is all tired and old and wrinkled and just holding on until the big green machine comes to take it away. Seasons. Enjoy the season you're in 'cause there is no changing it.

Nine Hours = 2.23 per Hour

Farmer Has a Stash