Nine Hours = 2.23 per Hour

Another dry day and the big green machine got its belly full today. Farmer finally got started around 11:00 AM. Had to finish "stuff" in the office.

"Stuff" in the office would be easier to finish if milk prices were better. That's a whole 'nother subject - not going there today. The guys also had to change silos before starting.

Our big green machine is a John Deere 9400. (I better get some perks from this from Fillmore Equipment - how can I not?)

The guys managed to harvest about 20 acres today. They finished two fields and started another one. Since it's been wet they've had to pick and choose the dry spots in fields and it takes longer than if it were a nice big field.

So out of those 20 some acres they got about 6 truck loads which holds about 4 combine bins of corn. Each bin full is supposed to be 180 bushels. Each bushel weighs around 70 pounds. So each time the bin gets full it's 12,600 pounds on top of the weight of the combine which is approximately 23,000 without the head. Add it up and that's why we need dry fields.

That's a whole lot of metal chewing up the corn.

20 acres in 9 hours, that's 2.23 acres an hour, plus or minus time to potty, eat and argue about which is the best way to do something - always a discussion going on.

John Deere Green vs Deer Brown

Ducks, Coyotes and Corn