A view of one of our hay fields from on top of a silo.
Needless to say, she was amazing. My favorite part of her concert was her singing “Jesus Take the Wheel” and then breaking into “Then sings my soul . . .” – “How Great Thou Art”. I just cannot hear that song without waterworks. There is so much talent packed in that beautiful body! It just doesn’t seem fair.
Craig Morgan was one of her opening acts. While I totally enjoyed Carrie, I felt Craig represented the people behind the country music – farmers and ranchers by his songs last night. Music with a message.
As I sat in the Van Andel Arena and saw the sea of people, God gave me some new insight, sort of. I realized I was part of the community – farming and ranching – that feeds all these people. Everyone there last night ate their supper because of a farmer or rancher. A good percentage of what was being worn last night came from a farmer or rancher.
We feed and clothe the world. What an awesome honor God gave us. I think it takes special people to fill those shoes.
Farmers don’t give up when things get tough. We don’t punch out after 8 hours, get paid overtime or view the weekend as anything special. We can’t go on strike. Who would we strike against? God? Who else do you know that invests countless dollars and then buries it hoping it will multiply? That’s what we are doing right now – planting corn.
On the list of things to spend money, our personal wants are way down at the bottom.
Farmers and ranchers get better and better at producing the food we eat and quite frankly, do not get rewarded a whole lot.
When you lay your head down on the fluffy pillow with a full belly, thank the good Lord for us farmers and ranchers and ask a special blessing for us. We appreciate it.
This link sums it up.