I had in mind to post a different blog today, but decided to let you peek into our week.
Corn planting has been good – we have 300 of the 600 acres planted – thank you Jesus!
On Tuesday, one of my boys, - let me explain to you about my boys. I have four sons and my boy is not my son. Farmer gave me my first boy a few years ago. It was the boy’s job to do as I asked such as digging up flower beds, weed whacking, lifting heavy objects or running to get me a Mocha. Shhh, don’t tell Farmer about that one.
Anyway, things were working really well until Farmer, a.k.a. Indian Giver, decided he needed my boy to help do corn. Well, that made the boy happy because he could ride on the big green machines. So, I lost my boy to Farmer. He’s been with us for over 4 years now.
So, this is the boy I’m referring to when I write this. He and another farm hand were cutting up trees that had fallen in the fields with a chain saw. To stop the rambling here, I’ll cut to the chase. The chain saw grabbed a branch, bounced off the branch and nailed him in his upper thigh. Immediately, he knew he was cut but couldn’t see any blood. So he pulled his pants down to find where he was cut. So, basically he’s naked from the waste down (this we will use against him on a regular basis).
He made it to the med center where he received 8 stitches. The doctor there said that because the chain saw blade was so hot, it cauterized the wound. I say, "Praise God" for how he protected my boy.
On Thursday, I received a call from daughter-in-law #1 telling me my wigglie #3 fell off the tramp and has a broken arm, can I come and help?
When I got there, which was in record time, my poor wigglie was still on the ground crying. We pulled his T-shirt sleeve up and oh, yes, it was definitely broken. We covered him up with a blanket and I stayed with him while she changed her clothes. Her neighbor happened to stop in at the same time and the three of us picked him up and carried him to the car. He was in so much pain. Just as we got him in the car, Son #1 made it home.
Once at the ER they said “Yep, it’s broken and he’ll have to have surgery”. That was even before X-rays. Their main concern was with the nerves, blood vessels and arteries because of the swelling. They did tests and everything was OK at that time, but they continued to check every hour or so all through the night.
They hooked him up to morphine and splinted his arm in preparation for morning surgery.
The break was just above the elbow, and was a clean break all the way through. They were able to get the bones back in place without opening the arm. They inserted three pins and he is doing well. He has pain yet, but healing is happening.
When Mom and Dad were praying with him before surgery, they prayed for angels of protection and he interrupted, saying “Those angels aren’t working very good.”
You know there are times I think that too, BUT, if we only knew what we have been protected from that we haven’t seen, I think we would be awestruck.
My boy could have bled out or hit a vital organ, but he didn’t.
My wigglie could have had nerve damage and extensive surgery, but he didn’t. God shows up all along the way, we just have to look for it sometimes.
Here is an interesting "God thing" about the surgeon. Son #1 owns his own boat business, Anchorage Yacht Sales. He sold this surgeon a boat a year or so ago. He got to know him a little and really liked the guy as a person. Knowing he was operating on his son gave him a lot of peace.
Of all the surgeons in that hospital, in all the hospitals in that city, he was the one God lined up. God is alive and well and working; just keep your eyes, ears and heart open to him.