This is a great gift book for anyone on your list.
Living in the country with Farmer, Sons, Daughters-In-Law, Wigglies and BEBs has given me ample subjects to celebrate and to be grateful. Pictures included are straight from the farm and our daily lives.
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Order now for Christmas.
Here is a review from an author: Celebrate the Ordinary by Diane Reed Loew
A must-have book to pass out to all your friends and family at Thanksgiving Dinner. The perfect party favor at each festive plate. Thanksgiving, after all, is a time to be thankful, slow down, and celebrate God's ordinary gifts. Diane Loew, the perfect sister next door, takes us by the hand and leads us with pictures and words into her magical kingdom of rain, fog, sky, soil, cows, cookies, and grandkids. Because of her magnetic example, your heart will rise up in thanks to the Creator of all. I love it! Order ten books today. -Cheryl Moeller, author of Help! Mom's Stuck on Spin Cycle
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