For some reason I have been hearing these three words coming out of so many mouths. They say it in disgust, in awe, flippantly and very few say them in the way that shows the true meaning.
I heard Martha Stewart utter them over something that caught her decorative eye. Teenagers utter it between snapping their gum. Sport fanatics shout it and prize contestants scream it.
It’s been reduced to three letters on Facebook and Twitter.
I’ve been guilty in the past of using it in correctly myself.
What three words?
Oh. My. God.
How did those three words that were intended for worship, entering into the presence of God, adoration of our Lord, the beginning words of prayer, or a call for help to God end up being tossed around like a discarded fast food bag along the road side?
I decided to Google it. According to the all-knowing Google machine the answers vary. There is credit given to a 1990 sitcom, to a songwriter, to yet another TV program from the 1970s and surprise, surprise the Bible.
With the frequency and carelessness of these three words that are tossed into the air, do you suppose God turns a deaf ear?
I understand people have distinctive levels of emotions and what one person may think is Oh My God worthy is different, but there is definitely an abuse and overuse of something that started out sacred.
Everyone has freedom of speech, at least for now, in this country. Is holding the name of God in revere antiquated and outdated? Maybe you don’t think spewing Oh My God over anything at all is irreverent.
After thinking about this some more, perhaps some of the OMGers are really giving their god credit. Their god of materialism, adrenaline rushes or whatever. One word of caution. That is all you will ever get from those gods.
I prefer an all-mighty God, an all-powerful, miracle making, healing, protecting, and loving God everytime.
After thinking about this some more, perhaps some of the OMGers are really giving their god credit. Their god of materialism, adrenaline rushes or whatever. One word of caution. That is all you will ever get from those gods.
I prefer an all-mighty God, an all-powerful, miracle making, healing, protecting, and loving God everytime.
I would love to hear your opinion. What do you think?